Legal notice

Responsible person’s contact details

  • Responsible’s Name: GMW Bioscience S.L.
  • Commercial Name: GMW Bioscience
  • Identification number B97957583
  • Address: Polígono Industrial SEPES, C/ Jornalers, 35. 46260 Alberic (Valencia)
  • Email address:

In this section, the user can find all information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between the users of this website and the person who is responsible for the website. As a user it is important that you are aware of the website terms and conditions before you continue navigating.

GMW Bioscience (GMW Bioscience S.L.), being responsible for this website, agrees to process all information about its users and clients respecting national and European legislation regulating the collection and the use of users’ personal data.

This website meets the requirements of the (EU) 2016/679 Reglamentation from the European Parliament and its Council of 27th April 2016 relating to the protection of physical people (RGPD), and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5th December regarding the protection of data and the guarantee of digitial rights (LOPDGDD), and the Law 34/2002 of 11th July regarding company services and electronic commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

General usage conditions

The present general conditions regulate the use (including the simple access) of websites, components of the GMW Bioscience website, including contents and services made available to it. Any person who accesses the web (“user”) accepts the general conditions in force at that time in the website

Collected personal data and what I can do

Read Privacy Policy

User commitments and obligations

The user is informed and accepts that accessing the website does not represent in any case the establishment of a commercial relationship between the user and GMW Bioscience. The user agrees to use the website, its services and contents without breaking current legistation , with good faith and public order.
It is prohibited to use the website for illegal or harmful purposes, or in any form that could damage the prevent the normal running of the website. In order to respect the website contents, the following outlined points are prohibited:

  • Its reproduction, distribution or modification, whether total or partial, unless my prior authorisation, as its legal owner, has been saught.
  • Any violaton of the provider’s rights, or mine as its legal owner
  • It use for commercial or advertising purposes.

The user commits to not carrying out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of GMW Bioscience or third-parties, or any conduct that could damage, render useless or overload the website, or prevent in any way possible, the normal running of the website.

However, the user must be aware that security systems in the Internet are not 100% reliable and that therefore cannot guarantee the inexistence of badware or other elements that could produce changes to the user’s computer systems (software and hardware) or the user’s electronic documents or files, despite the fact that GMW Bioscience disposes all the necessary means and security methods possible to prevent the presence of harmful elements.

Security measures

Personal data communicated by the user to GMW Bioscience may or may not be stored in automatic databases whose owner is exclusively GMW Bioscience S.L., assuming all measures of a technical, organizational and security nature that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of information contained in such databases respecting current legislation regarding the protection of data.

Conflict resolution platform

We also have a conflict resolution platform available for users, faciliated by the European Commission. It can be accessed via the following link

Industial and intellectual property rights

In accordance with the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication for commercial purposes, including complete or partial reproduction of the contents of this page is completely prohibited, without the authorisation of GMW Bioscience. The user commits to respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights of GMW Bioscience.

The user knows and accepts that the totality of the website, containing without being an exhaustive list, the text, software, contents (including structure, selection, presentation order) podcasts, photos, autovisual and graphic material, are protected by brands, author rights and other legitimate rights, in accordance with other rights and laws in Spain and international treaties where Spain is present.

If the user or third-party considers that a violation of his or her legitimate intellectual property rights has occured, for a determined content in the web, then the user must notify GMW Bioscience indicating:

  • The personal data of the person whose rights have allegedly been violated, or indicate the person’s representation in the case that the complaint is presentated by a third-party different to the concerned person.
  • Point out the contents protected by intellectual property rights and its location in the web, the accredition of the indicated intellectual property rights and a declaration stating that the concerned person is responsible for the veracity of the information faciliated in the notification.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility
GMW Bioscience S.L. (GMW Bioscience) will not grant any guarantee or responsibility for damages and compensation of any kind that could cause:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and running of the web or of its services and contents;
  • The existence of badware and malicious programmes with harmful contents;
  • Illicit, negligent or fraudlent use, or any use which does not respect the legal notice;
  • The lack of lawfulness, quality, trust, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third-parties and made available to users of the website.
  • The service provider is not responsible , under any conditions, for any damages resulting from the illegal or incorrect use of this website.

Legislation and jurisdication

The relationship between GMW Bioscience and the users of its telematic services, is subject to Spanish legislation and to the judges and tribunals in Valencia.


If you have any doubts regarding the legal conditions or if you wish to make any comments about the website, please contact

This legal notices was last upated on 16-05-2019

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