GMW conducts field and semi-field studies on pollinators
Honey bees (“Apis mellifera”) and Bumble bees ( “Bombus terrestris”), in greenhouses following the latest EPPO, CEB and OECD guidelines.
The studies are all conducted in Spain following GLP standards
We design and conduct studies to assess the general effects of plant protection products on bees or to investigate more specific questions such as the impact on brood development in honey bee colonies exposed to treatments as well as the long-term development of exposed colonies.
We can carry out:
- Semi-field tunnels studies
- Field studies
- Bumble bee (“Bombus terrestris”) studies under controlled greenhouse conditions
Semi-field and field studies
We perform trials on Phacelia or on other relevant crops in different locations in Spain. During the study, several parameters such as in-crop flight activity, in-crop bee mortality (linen sheets), hive mortality (dead bee traps), colony and brood development are recorded. In addition to general parameters, we offer detailed observations on bee behaviour, long-term observation of bee colonies (including over-wintering success) and residue samplings of all kinds of matrices of the bee hive and/or the crop.
Bumble bee (“Bombus terrestris”) studies under controlled greenhouse conditions
We offer tailor-made specific studies to investigate the pollination efficiency of bumble bees inside a greenhouse, combined with their exposure to plant protection products. In addition we can include residue samplings from foraging bumble bees for pollen collection and flowers.