The objective of these trials is to assess the potential effects of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) on seedling emergence and seedling early growth, observing the germination and growth of plant seeds. In addition, we evaluate the potential effects on the above-ground portions of plants. We are also able to conduct tests using treated soil, measuring factors such as the inhibition of growth and the reproductive capability of higher plants according to ISO 22030. All our studies are carried out under OECD or OCSPP Guidelines, with our tests being performed under controlled conditions in our greenhouse.
Seedling emergence test (OECD 208)
The objective of this test is to evaluate the potential effects of PPPs on seedling emergence and seedling early growth under controlled conditions in our greenhouse. The test can be performed according to the OECD guideline 208, Terrestrial Plant Test: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test (2006), or the EPA Guideline OCSPP 850.4100 (2012): Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth. OECD Guideline 208 or OCSPP Guideline 850.4100 are followed for spray application or incorporation in soil.
Vegetative Vigour test (OECD 208)
The objective of this test is to evaluate the potential effects of PPPs on the above-ground portions of plants under controlled conditions in our greenhouse. The test can be performed according to the OECD Guideline 227, Terrestrial Plant Test: Vegetative Vigour Test (2006), or the EPA Guideline OCSPP 850.4150 (2012): Vegetative Vigour. OECD Guideline 227 or OCSPP Guideline 850.4150 are followed for spray application on young plants at BBCH stage 12 – 14.
Soil quality – Biological methods – Chronic toxicity in higher plants (ISO 22030)
The objective of this test is to measure factors such as the inhibition of growth and reproductive capabilities of higher plants in treated soils under controlled conditions in our greenhouse. The test is performed according to ISO 22030 (2005). It can be used to assess soil quality, in particular, the function of soil as a habitat for plants.
Screening test
GMW Bioscience is able to carry out screening tests whose aim is to determine different parameters such as adequate dosages for healthy plant growth and interaction between the plant and the test item.